Role: Director of Art (Since 2022) | WB Games Boston | iOS and Android | 2017
Game Trailer and App Store Screenshots
App Store Featuring
Splash Screens
Teams: 2D / Graphic Design

Teams: 2D / 3D / Graphic Design / Tech Art / Animation / UI
Heroes was a big feature. Not only were we adding 30+ iconic characters with unique stats and attributes to the game, but we had to deliver the entire feature in six months during the early days of the pandemic. Once we decided to move forward with the card design, the team came together and did an incredible job delivering this robust feature in time for the holidays.
Teams: 2D / 3D / Tech Art / Animation
Every month the team comes together to deliver narrative events and new content for our players. Monsters are a unique opportunity for players to experience the unexplored characters of Game of Thrones lore.

Offer Art
Teams: Graphic Design / 2D / 3D / Animation
This collection is literally just a fraction of all the offer art the team has added to the game over the years. Each month, the team creates hundreds of unique pieces, showcasing new gear, items, events, and holiday sales.
Key Art
In order to keep up with the intense demand of our Live Operations schedule, I outsourced art kits that can be leveraged and repurposed by the team across multiple areas of the game.